Coming Soon:

The Harvey and Arny Collection

Pet-Inspired Cards and Gifts



Inspired by our own rescued fur babies, The Harvey & ARny Collection offers delightfully unique cards for all types of pets.

A portion of our profits will be donated to animal charities and rescues.
" If you are not going to love and spoil an animal, then you shouldn't have one. "
- Grandma Earlene

Meet Our Team



Security Specialist


My mommy rescued me from a reservation where I was neglected and abused. When my mommy got me I weighed only 2 pounds. I was so skinny that it hurt when people pet me. Now I am 7 ½ pounds of fury. I live in Montana with my family. I have a brother named ARny. At first I wasn’t sure about him but now we play all the time. ARny likes to steal my toys, but he always gives them back.

I am a picky eater. I like to be hand fed and have my food tossed on the floor. My parents sometimes don’t understand that I don’t want to eat the same thing twice in a row. I almost have them trained.

Humans tell me I’m cute. That just makes me mad. I’m really a very tough guy. My mission is to protect my family and my home. I bark at people, cars, dogs, birdies, bunnies and kitties who get too close. I’m really good at chasing the mail carrier and delivery people. They always leave and drive off after I bark at them. I already have my dream job of being a secret agent.



Shredder Extraordinaire


My daddy and mommy rescued me from the South Korean meat market. I now live in Montana. I have a brother named Harvey. He is from a reservation in Montana where he was abused and neglected. I love my brother and give him kisses all the time.

When my mommy and daddy adopted me I was scared of everything - and I mean everything. I couldn’t even walk because I was kept in a tiny cage. My parents thought something was wrong with my wobbly legs and even took me to the vet. Now I run and jump on beds, and I run up and down stairs. One of my favorite things is to smell flowers when I go for walks. I love to watch deer and bunnies outside but I don’t bark at them. I like to fake my brother out. I pretend that I see something outside and I start barking to get Harvey to start barking. Then I run over and steal his toy.

I am really, really good at tearing up toys, even the ones they say are indestructible. In fact, my nickname is “ARny the Shredder”. My dream job has always been to help doggies and kitties in need.


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